Meghna group launches two new bulk carriers

Two ultramax dry bulk carriers have been launched by the Meghna Group. Two more ships are carrying the red-green flags at sea. These new ships were inaugurated in the Bay of Bengal on 10 March, the month of the golden jubilee of independence.

The two large ships are the MV Meghna Princess and the MV Meghna Adventure. Each ship is about 200 metres long and capable of carrying 62 thousand tons of goods. The Meghna Group invested USD 46 million or about BDT 391 crore on the new two ships. The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) has also invested in this. The two ships have employed 42 Bangladeshi sailors. As they are new, the two ships will be able to carry goods to any port in the world. The inaugural ceremony was held at the MV Meghna Princess, anchored at the outer anchorage area of Chattogram port.

During the programme, Shipping Deputy Minister Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury said, “Two ships will go from one port of the world to another, flying the flag of Bangladesh. Not only business, these two ships will work as ambassadors of Bangladesh in the ports around the world. People will get to know of Bangladesh. This is a matter of pride for us.”

“Entrepreneurs have come forward in the ship operational sector,” he said. We want to see 500 ships in our fleet in the next 5-10 years. Steps have been taken to overcome the limitations that still exist in this sector. The Prime Minister has opened the door to investments.”

Rear Admiral M. Shahjahan, chairman of the Chattogram Port Authority, said, “Shipping is the main sector of the sea economy. The Meghna Group has taken a bold step by investing in the shipping sector. Others will follow Meghna and come forward to invest in this sector.” he said.

Mostafa Kamal, chairman of the Mehgna Group, said, “During the global recession due to COVID-19, the Prime Minister has encouraged entrepreneurs to take opportunities to invest. Meghna has taken that opportunity. In addition to these two new ships, four more ships will be added next year. The building costs of these ships have decreased by 10%.”

With the new ships of Meghna, the number of sea-going ships in Bangladesh has now increased to 63.


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