Excavation of the second tube of Karnaphuli Tunnel has been completed

Excavation of the second tube of the Karnafuli Tunnel project, which is under construction at the bottom of the Karnaphuli River in Chattogram, was completed on 7 October. This tube started from Anwara end and merged at Patenga end of Chattogram city. The excavation took 10 months. Earlier, it took 17 months to excavate the first tube.

Project Director Harunur Rashid Chowdhury said, ‘Now TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) has to be gradually brought out. It will take two to two and a half months to clean it. Next January, slabs will be laid on the part of the tunnel over which cars will run.’

The excavation started from Anwara end of ​​Chattogram on 12 December last year. Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader inaugurated the excavation of the second tube virtually. On 24 February 2019, Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the construction of the country’s first tunnel under the river.

The length of the main tunnel is 3.32 km. The length of each tube in the tunnel is 2.45 km. The two tubes will have a total of four lanes, two in each. There will be a 5.35 km connecting road at the west and east ends of the main tunnel. And at the Anwara end, there is a 72 metre long flyover. Tunnels are being constructed at a depth of 18 to 31 metres along the bottom of the Karnaphuli River. The cost of the construction of the tunnel is Tk 10, 374 crore.


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