The government is working to increase exports: Prime Minister

Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said that our government is working to create new markets to increase exports. In addition to exporting goods, we are working closely with the business community to expand the service sector and increase Bangladesh’s efficiency in exports.
The Prime Minister said this in a message issued on Wednesday (6 April) on the occasion of handing over the National Export Trophy tomorrow.

Thanking the Commerce Ministry for providing the ‘Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Export Trophy’ to the country’s top exporter, Sheikh Hasina said that it would further inspire exporters. She also expressed hope that the recognition would give push the top exporters of the country to increase exports.

Sheikh Hasina said the present Awami League government is working tirelessly to expand the country’s trade and commerce while maintaining a business-friendly environment to build the golden Bengal of the dreams of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the greatest Bengali personality of all time and Father of the Nation. In order to strengthen the economy of the country, the government has increased various facilities for the businessmen and has given an incentive of Tk 1 lac 87 thousand and 679 crores during COVID-19.

She said that with the overall support of the present government, the export revenue has increased from USS 10.52 billion in the 2005-06 fiscal year to USS 45.75 billion in the last fiscal year.

The Prime Minister said the dynamic leadership of the Awami League government has made the country economically strong and has helped it to occupy a dignified seat in the world arena. She thanked all the exporters, owners, and all concerned for this. With the LDC graduation in mind, various supportive policies are being formulated for the expansion of trade and development of the export sector.

In the message, the Prime Minister expressed happiness over the awarding of the National Export Trophy 2017-2018 and congratulated the entrepreneurs of all the establishments which received the National Export Trophy. At the same time, she wished the overall success of the awarding ceremony of the National Export Trophy 2017-2018.


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