Illegal goods seized at Shah Amanat Airport

Chittagong Customs House

Customs officials at the Shah Amanat International Airport in Chattogram have seized 1,000 razors from a passenger’s bag returning from Kolkata. The goods were seized on Monday (2 April).

This product is not importable in baggage declaration. The passenger tried to evade paying the government revenue of around Tk 3 lacs by bringing this product without any announcement. Customs is taking legal action against the passenger Sultan Mahmud.

The National Board of Revenue had directed to keep the customs houses open on a limited scale on the public and weekly holidays from Friday (29 April) to Wednesday (4 May 4), except on Eid day.

Chittagong Customs House informed that emergency imported goods are being unloaded even during the holidays. Export activities are fully operational. However, the utmost care has been taken to ensure that no one can take the opportunity to unload suspicious products. A consignment was seized at the airport due to the caution.


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