High speed patrol boat is being added to Chittagong port

Newly obtained speedboat

A high-speed patrol boat is being added to Chittagong port. It is capable of navigating the sea in any catastrophic weather. The boat has the necessary equipment including modern navigational equipment, satellite radar, satellite compass, two engines, and three generators.

The boat can seat 16 people at a time. The boat arrived at Chittagong port on Sunday (15 May) aboard the container ship Songa Cheetah from the Italian port of Ravenna.

The boat will be put on trial by the port’s naval department after customs clearance. After that, it will be at the service jetty of berth number 1 of the port. The boat will be able to cross the 60 km route from Patenga to Matarbari deep-sea terminal in the fastest time to bring the pilots back and forth. Apart from this, in case of any untoward accident at the outer anchorage, it will be able to conduct quick rescue operations. 10 officers and employees of the Port Naval Department are being trained to operate the boat.


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