Exim Bank of the United States is interested in investing in Bangladesh’s shipping sector

The State Minister for Shipping and the Chairman of Exim Bank of the United States exchanged views

The US Export-Import (EXIM) Bank has expressed interest in investing in Bangladesh’s shipping sector and other sectors. Exim Bank’s Chairman of the Board of Directors Miss Reta Jo Lewis expressed this interest during an exchange of views with State Minister for Shipping Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury MP at the bank’s office on Tuesday (2 August). The Ministry of Shipping reported the information on Wednesday (3 August).

At the invitation of Exim Bank, the State Minister visited the bank’s office. At this time, both sides met in an exchange meeting. Commodore Golam Sadeq, Chairman of BIWTA along with Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of Exim Bank and the State Minister for Bangladesh, Economic Minister of Bangladesh Embassy in Washington, Mostafa Kamal and Abraul Hasan Majumder, Undersecretaries of the Ministry, Mehnaz Ansari, South Asia Representative of the host organisation US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), BIWTA officials were present in the meeting.

It must be noted that the State Minister for Shipping is visiting the United States to participate in the ‘Bangladesh Inland Waterways Management Reverse Trade Mission’ organised by USTDA.


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