Chittagong port prepares to deal with cyclone Sitrang

Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) has taken all out preparations to face the disasters of cyclone Sitrang. An emergency meeting in this regard was held at the conference room of the Bandar Bhaban on Monday. CPA Chairman Rear Admiral M Shahjahan presided over the meeting attended by senior port officials and representatives of the stakeholders.

The meeting was informed that the cyclone Sitrang was 5590 kilometres away from Chittagong port. A special Caution alert-3 has been issued in Chittagong port in accordance with Danger Signal-6 issued by the meteorological department.

Meanwhile, all types of container and cargo ships from the port jetty have been sent to the outer anchorage and lighter vessels from the channel have been removed to a secured zone. Operations have been suspended in Chittagong port besides, vessels at the pouter anchorage have been directed to relocate to a secure harbour.

Besides, four control rooms have been set up to coordinate the port operations during the cyclone while leaves of all officials, employees, doctors and nurses of the areas have been cancelled and kept ready to face any eventuality of the Sitrang.

In addition, the port authority has taken measures to ensure 24-hour health-service at the port’s hospital besides turning the port-run educational institutes into temporary cyclone shelters.


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