Investment proposals rise by 54% in July-Sept’22: Bida

Fully foreign and joint venture investment proposals with Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (Bida) rose by 809.75%, Tk17,079.67 crore, during the July-September quarter in 2022 compared to the same period of the preceding year 2021.

According to the latest data presented by Bida, the overall investment proposals with BIDA rose by a staggering 54.46% during the July-September quarter compared to the same period of the preceding year 2021, reports BSS.

Bida received some 223 investment proposals involving Tk31,610.34 crore During this July-September period, which was Tk20,463.92 crore during the same period in the previous fiscal.

Bida received 198 proposals involving Tk14,530.67 crore from local investors during this July to September period while there were 9 fully foreign and 16 joint venture proposals of Tk17,079.67 crore. The investment proposals from local and foreign entrepreneurs are expected to create 74,032 job opportunities in the country.  


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