Country has adequate reserve: PM

Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Reiterating that the country’s reserve is being used for the welfare of the masses, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today slammed those who are misleading the people over the reserve and said her government would do everything possible so that none has to suffer.

“It is right that we have to spend from reserves (for welfare of the countrymen). We have such an amount of reserve money that we can import food for five months although an amount required to import food for three months is enough to overcome any disaster,” she said.

The Prime Minister said this while inaugurating the 5th National Conference-2022 of the Swadhinata Chikitsak Parishad (SWACHIP), a pro-Awami League organisation of the physicians, at the historic Suhrawardi Udyan, Dhaka.

The Prime Minister said people are becoming expert on reserve and holding talks about reserve in the tea-stalls, adding that the reserve is being used for the welfare of the people that include importing rice, wheat, edible oil, fuel oil and vaccines of the Covid-19, giving subsidies, investing in some projects, and repaying the foreign loans.

Mentioning that prices of commodities, fuel have increased manifold alongside skyrocketing of the cost of transportation, she said they have to purchase wheat at 600 USD which was only 200 USD while the transportation cost increased to 3600 USD which was only 800 USD prior to the ongoing global crisis that stemmed from the Coronavirus pandemic and Russia-Ukraine war, sanctions, and counter sanctions.


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