Garment export to Japan reaches $600 million in five months  

Among the major non-traditional markets, Bangladesh’s garment export to Japan reached $597.83 million with 38.11% year-on-year growth during July-November of FY2022-23.

The other non-traditional markets having high growth were Malaysia at 100.21%, Mexico at 49.68%, India at 48.78%, Brazil at 44.53%, and South Korea at 30.35%.

As per the statistics of the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), RMG export to the EU meanwhile increased by 16.27%, from $7.81 billion to $9.07 billion in July-November 2022-23. Germany is the largest European market fetching $2.71 billion with 1.88% growth compared to the same period of the previous year.

Export to Spain and France also increased by 19.15% and 38.87% respectively. Exports to other major EU countries such as Italy, Austria, Netherlands, and Sweden have shown growth by 50.95%, 48.87%, 34.39% and 22.90% respectively.

On the other hand, export to Poland has shown 19.61% year-over-year negative growth during the mentioned period. 


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