Bangladesh is at the top again in ship breaking

For the third time in a row, Bangladesh is at the top of the ship breaking in the world. In 2020, Bangladesh claimed the top spot by breaking 38.5% of ships in the world. Last week, the report of the ‘Review of Maritime Transport-2021’ published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) revealed this information.

According to the report, India is in second place and Pakistan is in third place. India broke 29.1% of ships and Pakistan broke 16.6%. Turkey ranked fourth by breaking 9.2% ships and China ranked fifth with 1.1%. The contribution of the rest of the countries is only 5.5%.

In 2019, 54.7% of the world’s ships were broken in Bangladesh. In 2018, Bangladesh broke 47.2% of the total number of ships broken in the world. In that year, Bangladesh overtook India and took the top spot. Bangladesh has held the top spot in this business for the third time in a row.


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