Annual sports competition of Chittagong Port has been completed

Chairman of the Port Authority Rear Admiral M Shahjahan is distributing prizes

The annual sports competition of Chittagong Port Authority has been held. Rear Admiral M Shahjahan, Chairman of Port Authority, inaugurated the competition organised by Chittagong Port Authority Sports Association at Engineer Shaheed Shamsuzzaman Stadium on the morning of 24 March (Thursday). Port officials and their family members took part in the competition.

Running, javelin throwing, musical pillow, throwing balls in baskets, tug of war, and so on were organised. Officers-employees and their family members voluntarily took part in the day-long competition. In the afternoon, the Chairman of the port authority distributed prizes among the winners as the chief guest.

‘Sports are an integral part of our lives,’ said the port Chairman. The means of entertainment are very limited in our society now. We are all very busy at work. The officials and employees of Chittagong Port are busy keeping the national economic activities running throughout the year. They don’t get a lot of time to take part in sports or physical exercises. It is a great pleasure for us that they have all participated in this competition voluntarily.

During this time he directed to organise sports and cultural competitions in the educational institutions run by the port.

Among others, Port Board Member (Administration and Planning) Md. Jafar Alam, Member (Harbour & Marine) Commodore Mohammad Mostafizur Rahman, Member (Engineering) Captain Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman were present at the award ceremony along with directors, secretaries, divisional heads, and sub-divisional heads.


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