Padma Bridge to play important role in Asia’s regional trade: Prime Minister

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina held a press conference on the flood situation and the inauguration of Padma Bridge at her office yesterday Photo: PID

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said that the Padma Bridge will play an important role in Asia’s regional trade. She said that new economic zones and hi-tech parks would be built around the Padma Bridge. As a result, domestic and foreign investment will be attracted and the pace of industrialisation of the country will accelerate. The Padma Bridge is a major link to the Asian Highway. Therefore, the role of this bridge in regional trade is immense. Moreover, the tourism industry will expand on both banks of the Padma. She made the remarks at a press conference at the Prime Minister’s Office on Wednesday (22 June).

The Prime Minister said that the Padma Bridge will alleviate the long-time suffering of the people on the one hand and will accelerate the economy on the other. The bridge is expected to contribute 1.23% to GDP growth and reduce poverty by 0.84% annually.

She said that she announced the construction of the Padma Bridge with our own funds at a cabinet meeting on 9 July 2012. International investment institutions were also told not to take money for the Padma Bridge. Then you saw how a class of intellectuals and economists in our country resorted to fabricated criticism.

Mentioning that the bridge has been constructed by maintaining the highest standards, the Prime Minister said that no compromise has been made on the quality of construction of Padma Bridge. The bridge is built with the latest technology and materials in the world. The piles of the bridge have been laid up to a maximum depth of 122 metres. Sophisticated technology has been used in considering earthquake prevention.

The Prime Minister thanked the people of the country for their support throughout the difficult journey of undertaking the plan to build the Padma Bridge with our own funds and for implementation despite various adversities. ‘The unprecedented response I’ve received from people has been my courage and strength,’ she said. People stood by my side. It is their courage that has made the Padma Bridge stand tall today.

Sheikh Hasina said, ‘Padma Bridge is our pride, our achievement. The mighty Padma River separated the southern part of the country from the capital Dhaka and many other areas. We are the people of the southern region. So we know that pain very well. People living in the south know the risks and the hassle of entering the capital.’

The Prime Minister also said that appropriate arrangements have been made to rehabilitate the families who were directly and indirectly affected by land acquisition for constructing the Padma Bridge. She said that residential and commercial plots have been allotted to the landless and affected families. Additional assistance and homestead land development assistance have been provided. In order to improve their standard of living, various vocational and income-generating training has been provided, financial assistance has been provided, and to protect the environment, rehabilitated areas have been declared as Padma Bridge Wildlife Sanctuary and the areas are being reforested.

The Prime Minister said that industrialisation will take place there as soon as the bridge is built. That is why I have built the power plant before. I have kept in mind that there will be a need for electricity.

The Prime Minister pointed out that by constructing the Padma Bridge with our own funds, the stagnation resulting from dependence on foreigners for development projects could be broken. She said that the honour of Bangladesh has come back today as a result of building the Padma Bridge with our own money. Many in our country had a mentality that we could do nothing without funding from others. Dependence, reliance — these two were keywords. The situation was miserable. When the World Bank withdrew this money, at least we were able to get out of that place. By breaking that stalemate, we have been able to prove that we are a self-respecting nation.

Sheikh Hasina answered the questions of the journalists regarding whether the World Bank has expressed any regret over the financing of the Padma Bridge or whether any action will be taken against the multinationals. She said in the press conference, that there is a proverb that if the bowl in which you received the ghee is faulty, how can you blame the cowherd for it? They stopped at the persuasion of the people of our country, which is the reality. I don’t need to say anything else. They will understand if they have any regrets. And if not, I have nothing to say against anyone.

The Prime Minister said that the financial assistance that comes from the World Bank as a development partner, they do not give as grants or charity. Instead, they are repaid like a loan. We are partners of the World Bank. They don’t give any grants, we take them as loans. This must be kept in mind.

Despite being withdrawn from the Padma Bridge project, Sheikh Hasina said that the money allocated for Bangladesh would go to other projects. She said that they have no right to waste the money that will be sanctioned in the name of Bangladesh. Maybe they have stopped the money from the Padma Bridge, but we were able to get back the money. We have been able to use this money for other projects. This can be done. Many of us do not know this.

Mentioning that there is a risk of floods in the country till next September, the Prime Minister said that floods have started, there will be a risk of floods till September, and water will come down in the southern region. That is why we have to prepare in advance.

Referring to the catastrophic floods in the Sylhet region, the Prime Minister highlighted the fast relief and rescue operations there. ‘I told them to cut the road if necessary so that the water could recede quickly,’ she said. ‘This is also one of our lessons, water is being drained from somewhere, so flood will come to us here. I have asked to mark it, I will make the bridge culvert there in such a way that water cannot accumulate.’ She also said that arrangements have been made for seeds and fertilisers so that the farmers can cultivate after the floods.

Expressing hope that the situation will improve in a day or two, the Prime Minister said that the water levels in Sylhet and Sunamganj districts have started decreasing. ‘I have instructed to take up the program of repairing houses and rehabilitating agriculture when the flood waters recede. Preparations are being made by specifying the work of different ministries.’


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