Expatriates sent Tk 8.5 thousand crores in seven days

One week (seven days) before the Eid-ul-Azha holiday, expatriates sent 90 crores and 93 lac dollars to the country. According to the current exchange rate of the interbank currency market (Tk 93.45 per dollar), this seven-day remittance amount is Tk 8.5 thousand crores. In other words, on average Tk 1 thousand and 214 crores were sent as remittances.

Bangladesh Bank officials say that never before in the history of Bangladesh have so many remittances come to the country in one week.

Meanwhile, despite the Asian Clearing Union (ACU) paying nearly 2 billion dollars in import bills, the reserves remain above 40 billion dollars.

Note that due to the huge demand for dollars in the market, the banks are bringing remittances to the country at a higher price than the interbank currency market rate.


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